Thursday, June 2, 2011

Buon Appetito!

Last night I had a dinner party at my apartment here in Venice.  When I got back from the supermarket and started making dinner, I didn't really know when to stop / didn't realize how much food I had bought, and ended up with a full table of dishes ... luckily, we've all developed alarmingly pig-like appetites while here and everything was pretty much finished after a few hours.

There was prosciutto and mortadella, cheeses and bread, greek potatoes, caprese salad, penne bolognese, italian jambalaya, sauteed citrus chicken, nutella, wine and an AMAZING Orange Pellegrino drink ... People brought over even more cheese, so now I'm pretty much living the dream and have a fridge full of the leftover formaggio:

Someone brought beautiful flowers:

One of my favorite things to do EVER is to have people over and feed them (probably got that from my mom / Greek heritage), so last night was deeeelightful.  

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