Friday, May 27, 2011

Bella Cosa far Niente

One of the best wise Italian phrases is bella cosa far niente, or roughly translated, "doing nothing is nice."  I agree wholeheartedly, and have resolved to live by this motto to a reasonable extent while in Italy.  Because when in Rome .... (or when 500 km north of Rome, in my case).  

Yesterday I did as close to "nothing" as I could, and finished a substantial part of my reading at a cafe by Santa Maria Formosa.  Slightly distracted by the wide array of people in the square, I sat in the sun with my coca-cola in a glass with a lemon wedge, listening to children shouting, dogs barking, and the fruit stand vendor grunting, and idly learned about international arbitration.

I don't have internet at my apartment, and I have to admit that being cut off from the technological world (with the exception of my cell phone, which I don't use because it's far too expensive) is beneficial ... like soul-food.  My creativity needs a boost, and it's been therapeutic to have time for drawing, photography and writing.  I've decided that I should probably pen a novel - I mean, isn't that what one does while living in Europe?  But in all seriousness, being disengaged from life at home for most of the day has been an effective way for me to reflect on the past year and what the future will be like.  It's also a happy reminder that I only need to be with myself to be content.

This afternoon, despite the urge to start studying for finals (which are already in only two weeks), I'm going to walk around the Dorsoduro area of the city and see the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.  I've heard the permanent collection is wonderful and it seems like a relaxing Friday-afternoon activity.  And this weekend, a visit to the Lido beaches is in store - one of the best locales I can think of for reading the 200 or so pages I'll need to complete for the beginning of next week, while living up to my far niente resolution.

The street where my apartment is located, Della Verona 
(right next to the Teatro la Fenice):

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